Bootstrap 5 admin dashboard template

Investment UIUX

Investment UIUX is a powerful HTML template built with Bootstrap 5, designed for investment and mutual fund centralizing software products. With ready-to-use pages tailored for finance, it streamlines development.  The modern, responsive design ensures adaptability across devices, making Investment UIUX an ideal choice for financial software products.

adminuiux investment finance admin dashboard bootstrap 5 html template banner

Best Finance tracking & investments
Admin dashboard app HTML template

The modern, responsive design ensures adaptability across devices, making Investment UIUX an ideal choice for financial software products.
Perfect for dashboards, transactions, shares management, and more, this template helps you launch your investment platform quickly.

adminuiux investment finance admin dashboard bootstrap 5 html template highlight 1
Summary for your money invested

User can easily track summary for their investment across various categories.

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Tracking your goals made easy

Create goal and made payment again with standard investment options.

adminuiux investment finance admin dashboard bootstrap 5 html template highlight 2
Manage your wallet at one place

User can manage their wallet at same place and track expense related information.

Ready to use! Usable & consistence HTML template

HTML UI kit to quick start project with Investment admin UIUX dashboard HTML templates. We have many third parties integrated with style consistency like FullCalendar, DateRangePicker, DataTable, Footable, Dropzone, Chart.js, dragula, Progressbar.js and many more… 

Product specific pre-defined pages

Dot Icon

Easy to apply different color schemes

Dot Icon

Consistent UI for Component & third parties

Yellow Ellipse
adminuiux investment finance admin dashboard bootstrap 5 html template UI kit component

Responsive Admin UI UX
dashboard HTML Templates with flexibility

Ready-to-use HTML Template
Convert HTML template easily with partial code and clean code structure. Its very easy to compile with flat file generators.
Yellow Vector
Green Vector
Bootstrap 5

Build on top of the mobile first responsive Bootstrap 5 framework. It has large community support and third parties support for style consistency.

Save time and Money

Our well coded validated code structure provide flexibility and transparency to re-use code blocks. Save time and money for customization and repeated tasks.

Make it like your own

Our template has dedicated page where you can customize available style option for sidebar and header. Also choose style from pre-defined set of style personalize.

Support from portal

You can use support portal from where you have have purchase to resolve your queries. You can also follow other solution we  provided there earlier.

Ready to use pages

Our template comes with industry or business specific pages to quick start your project. Create new by using components from component list page.

Receive future updates

When we release new updates you can directly receive updates by getting update notification email direct to your mailbox.

investment sidebar bootstrap html admin dashboard template adminuiux com

Streamline development with innovative and consistence user interface designs

Our template is specifically designed to fast-track your healthcare appointment and manage booking product development by providing ready-to-use HTML pages tailored to these industries. With pre-built pages like dashboards, calendar bookings, appointment progress, list of upcoming, documents and onboarding etc.

We have document file in folder to guide you about code structure, customization, personalization settings defaults define. 

Choose your branding assets and color scheme and define it in main layouts. Currently template is using cookies for live personalize classes storage. You should run it into server/localhost.

As domain specific app template it’s benefit to have major commonly used screen ready. Choose page template and start development process.

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We always aim to deliver something new and unique.
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